Hello and welcome to my cosy little corner of the internet! So that I’m not just a nameless faceless person writing and drawing stuff, here’s a bit about me… My name is Lauren and I love to design patterns and illustrations, often using my beloved iPad Pro but I also love to use traditional media such as watercolour, gouache, acrylic, or ink as well and then edit it digitally. To keep my internet space tidy I share my watercolour and ink art on a separate website (laurenfayepeachey.com).

I began drawing and making repeating patterns on the first iPad Air and a super clunky stylus, as a hobby, whilst backpacking with my partner Jethro in 2019 and I haven’t stopped creating since then.

I’m currently making some site changes (exciting) so please check out my Instagram to see what I’ve been up to, and my shop on Spoonflower* (*commissionable link), where a bunch of my designs are available for sale on fabrics, wallpaper, and home decor products.

If you want to share my work please make sure you give me credit and link back to my work (either on my website or my Instagram – whichever works for you).